Recording of 3 Guided Meditation Sessions (each 1 hrs) with elements of Wudang Taichi Instruction
- Lesson 1: Water Style
- Lesson 2: Fire Style
- Lesson 3: Combination. Integrating Fire and Water
Follow these 3 recordings slowly and proceed at your own pace. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the instructor through the website: or directly via email:
Course Description:
Lesson 1: Water Style
1 hr program. Introduction to soft, primarily Yang style Taichi fundamental movements channeling the texture and flow of water.
Hand motions covered: 1. hold the ball (parting wild horse's mane) 2. Cloud hands 3. Step back and repulse monkey 4. Brush knee
1.Yěmǎ Fēnzōng (野马分鬃) 2. Yúnshǒu (云手) 3. Dǎo niǎn hóu (倒攆猴) 4. Lōuxī Àobù (搂膝拗步)
Lesson 2: Fire Style
1 hr program. exercises to cultivate the explosive force of fā-jìn or fā-lì 發勁 or 發力 Covering Silk reeling 纏絲勁
Rolling energy 1) up the body, 2) projecting outward, and 3) re-groundingHand motions covered: 1. forward punch (long and short variation) 2. sideways elbow 3. twisting forearm strike 4. shoulder strikes (forward and backward)
Immortal Woman Dances with Long Sleeves double fist strike
Footwork covered: 1. Forward stepping 2. Sideways stepping 3. Backward stepping
Lesson 3: Integrating Fire and Water
1 hr program. Harmonizing the elements of the two previous sessions.
Beginning with review of the 4 introductory Taichi hand movements and 3 stepping movements from session one.
Stringing together into the first half of the standardized Yang Style 24-form
commencing Qǐshì, (起势)
parting the wild horse's mane (Yěmǎ Fēnzōng, 野马分鬃)
white crane spreads its wings (Báihè Lìangchì, 白鹤亮翅)
brush knee (Lōuxī Àobù, 搂膝拗步)
playing the lute (Shǒuhūi Pípā, 手挥琵琶)
reverse reeling forearm, step back and repulse monkey (Dào juǎn gōng, 倒卷肱, Dǎo niǎn hóu 倒攆猴)
left grasp sparrow's tail (Zuǒ Lǎn Què Wěi, 左揽雀尾) péng lǚ jǐ àn 掤 捋 擠 按
right grasp sparrow's tail (Yòu Lǎn què wěi, 右揽雀尾) péng lǚ jǐ àn 掤 捋 擠 按
single whip (Dān biān, 单鞭)
cloud hands (Yúnshǒu, 云手)
single whip (Dān biān, 单鞭)Review of fā-jìn 發勁 generating explosive power.
Applied to hand motions
1) parting horse's mane (Yěmǎ Fēnzōng, 野马分鬃) 2) cloud hands (Yúnshǒu, 云手)Introduction to Chen Style Taichi form
And brief introduction to Wudang Longhuaquan 龍華拳 from the San Feng System
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