Dragon Collective
Instructor Bio:
Zu began his training in breathwork and meditation under the guidance of Grandmaster Cheng Aiping, a world class Chen style Taichi instructor from Hangzhou China. Much of his foundational practice is informed by the movement pathways of the Wudang Temple lineages (San Feng system) and the principals of nature connection and groundedness espoused in the Daoist scriptures. Since training in China over a decade ago, Zu has studied under various elders from both Mesoamerican lines of knowledge and South African wisdom keepers. Today he passes along those practices and methods he has been gifted and given the authority to share to promote collective healing and the proliferation of this embodied knowledge. He incorporates and synthesizes various breathwork pathways and movement practices into readily accessible yet deeply grounding exercises that can aid in one’s process of self-discovery and harmonization at any step along their healing and movement journey